
Aboriginal Australian Relations Program Research
Recent Conference/ Seminar/Public Presentations
November 2022 – They are Blowing in the Wind at the Commemorative Conference for Neville Symington in Sydney
November 2020 – Two Way Therapy Seminar as part of a Two Way series hosted by The Sydney Institute of Psychoanalysis.
September 2019 – Invited as speaker to Australian Psychoanalytic Society Conference – Awakenings on Ancestral Lands –in Adelaide.
September 2017 – Invited as keynote Speaker to Conference in Uluru, RANZCP, The Heart of the Matter: Deep Listening, Dreaming and Joining the Dance.
2017 – March – Wake Up Strong: From Terra Nullius to Recognition – The Day After Tomorrow Conference, Melbourne, CASSE.
2002-2016 – Presented at six national Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Association Conferences in New Zealand, Sydney (2), Melbourne (2), Perth (1):
- The Intervention: Pmere Arlaytewele (Settle Down Country): Bear the Gap to close the gap
- The land of Altjira and the churinga: the eye of the storm and then alakenhe it rains
- Radical Doubt and Radical Hope: the eye of the storm and then alakenhe it rains
- Recognition: A Matter of Life and Death in Aboriginal Australia
- The Bashhouse: Within the Bluestone walls of a Maximum Security Prison
- A Retrospective: Bad Men do What Good Men Dream. Mere Arltyewele (Settle Down Country) – Bear the Gap to Close the Gap
2013 Fetishism: from the velvet to the rubber coat: Sydney PPAA and all psychoanalytic publications presented at above conferences.
2001-2016 Presented over half a dozen scientific seminars VAPP including – on opera Romeo and Juliet.
2015 Panel Noel Pearson and Jonathan Lear in Conversation organized by Sydney Ideas, Sydney University, December 2015.
2016 Co-Presented with Lord John Alderdice in The House of Lords in the All Parliamentary Group on Conflict Issues and Centre for Conflict Resolution, Harris- Manchester House Oxford University in February 2016.
Psychoanalytic Publications by Pamela Nathan
Nathan, P (2022) The youth Inferno: Two Way working on Ancestral lands. New England Journal of Public Policy. Vol.34. Issue 2.
Nathan, P (2021). Feeling the Heat- Rising Spirit. Psychoanalytic Dialogues. Vol.31.Issue 4. P. 424-5.
Nathan, P (2021). Whispering Winds – Stories of pain and recognition. Room. A Sketchbook For Analytic Action. 2.21: 22-25.
Nathan P. (2021). Awakenings on Ancestral Lands. Psychoanalysis Downunder. Issue 17.
Nathan P. (2019). Creating a safe supportive environment (CASSE): a psychodynamically-informed intervention for Aboriginal communities in Central Australia. Contemporary Psychodynamic Psychotherapy. Eds. John. S. Ogrodniczuk & David Kealey. Elsevier. Academic Press. University of British Columbia. Vancouver. California. P. 361-373.
Lechleitner, K; Nathan, P; Silver, B; Rosewarne, C. (2018) Kurruna Mwarre Ingkintja – Good Spirit Men’s Place Research Project Report. CAAC/CASSE.
Nathan, P ed and author (2018). Wake Up Strong: From Terra Nullius to Recognition. ‘The Day After Tomorrow – Special Issue of the International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies. Vol.15, Issue 2, June 2018, pp 103-113.
Nathan, P. (2017). Psychoanalysis and Australian Aboriginal couples and families in Central Australia: the family storyline. International Review of Couple and Family Psychoanalysis ISSN 2105-1038 . No 17-2/2017. Psychoanalysis and Culture Cultural Diversity in Couple and Family Psychoanalysis. P.1-27
Nathan P. (2016). Recognition: A Matter of Life and Death in Aboriginal Australia. International Journal of Applied Psychoanalysis. (online) March 2016.
Nathan, P. (2015). The Land of Altjira and the churinga: the Eye of the Storm and then alakenye it Rains. Australasian Journal of Psychotherapy. Vol.33, No.1 , pp 53-71.
Nathan, P (2014). Radical Doubt and Radical Hope. The eye of the storm and then alakenhe it rains. Special Issue on Community Psychoanalysis and Reconciliation in Australia International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies 11(3): 189–198 (2014)
CASSE Booklets:
- Saving Lives and Changing Minds
- What? Why? How?
- Walk In My Tracks
- The Milky Way: Psychoanalytic Dreamtime
- Recognition: A matter of Life and Death in Aboriginal Australia.
Nathan, P. (2014). The BASH HOUSE: Within the Bluestone walls of a Maximum Security Prison. International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies. Vol.11, Issue 1.
Nathan, P. (2013). CASSE: A Psychoanalytic Effort in Alice Springs. Australian International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies. Issue 10(4), pp 368-374. Click here for Summary
Nathan, P. (2012). The Intervention: Mere Arltyewele (Settle Down Country) – Bear the Gap to Close the Gap. Australian Journal of Psychotherapy. Vol. 30, No.2.
Nathan, P. (2008). A Retrospective: Bad Men do What Good Men Dream. Australian Journal of Psychotherapy. Vol.27, No. 1& 2.
Sociological Publications by Pamela Nathan
Nathan, P. (1987). Borning. Pmere Laltyeka Anwerne Ampe Mpwaretyke. The Congress Alukura by the Grandmother’s Law. Report prepared by CAAC.
Nathan, P. (1987). Trailer: Borning : The Congress Alukura by the Grandmother’s Law. Arena. July.
Nathan, P. (1988). The Development of a Preventative Health Strategy for the Gay Men’s Health Centre on Nutrition and AIDS, Monograph. GMCHC Collingwood.
Nathan, P. (1987). Analysis of Health Needs in Bacchus Marsh, Monograph. Nicholas Clark & Associates. Melbourne.
Nathan, P. (1886). Victoria’s Italians 1900 – 1945, a chapter. Greenhouse Publications. Richmond, Melbourne.
Nathan, P. (1985). Printed Papers for the Exploring Health Care Course District Health Councils. Health Commission. Victoria:
– “Trends in Optometry”
– “Trends in Physiotherapy”
– “The Establishment of the Fitzroy Community Health Centre”
– “Aborigines at Risk”
– “Aged Care”
Nathan, P. & Howe, A. (1985). Commonwealth Programs for Long Term Care and Accommodation for the Aged: An Analysis of Program Structures and Outcomes with reference to the Ethnic Aged. NRIGGM, February, 1985
Nathan, P. & Japanangka, L. D. (1983). Health Business, A Community report for the Central Australian Aboriginal Congress and Its People. Heinemann Educational Australia. Victoria. (Funded by the Policy and Planning Division, Commonwealth Department of Health)
Nathan, P. & Japanangka, L. D. (1983). Settle Down Country, Pmere Arlaltywele. Kibble Press and The Central Australian Aboriginal Congress. Melbourne. (Funded by the Aboriginal Development Commission)
Nathan, P. (1983). Nurses and Health Business in Central Australia. ANJ. May.
Nathan, P. (1983). Some Research Guidelines. NANN. Darwin.
Nathan, P. & Preston, G. (1982). The Ethnic Aged in Long Term Institutions in Victoria, Occasional Paper. NRIGGM. October.
Nathan, P. (1981). A Home Away From Home, A report for the Victorian Aboriginal Health Service. P.I.T. Press, Melbourne. (Funded by the Policy and Planning Division, Commonwealth Department of Health)
Nathan, P. (1981). A Home Away From Home, Summary. New Doctor.
Nathan, P. (1976). The Diamond Valley Learning Centre, Monograph, Centre for Innovation, School of Education. La Trobe University.
Forensic Publications by Pamela Nathan
Nathan, P (2008). “The role of psychoanalytic Supervision A clinical Illustration”. Psychoanalytic Approaches to Common Clinical Situations. VAPP, auspiced by the Department of Human Services (Dr Ruth Vine).
Nathan, P. (2008). “Working With the Dangerous Client: Be Your Own Detective!”. Psychoanalytic Approaches to Common Clinical Situations. VAPP, auspiced by the Department of Human Services (Dr Ruth Vine).
Gleeson, J., Collins, J., Nathan, P., Davis, M., Bradley, G. (2008). A prospective Case Controlled Study of Consumers of Community Mental Health with a History of Violent Offending: Baseline Data. To be published Aust New Zealand Journal Psychiatry.
Gleeson, J., Collins, J., Nathan, P., Davis, M., Bradley, G. (2008). Staff Experiences of Consumer Aggression in SA Community Mental health Service. To be published Aust New Zealand Journal Psychiatry.
Gleeson, J., Nathan, P., Bradley, G. (2006). The need for the development and evaluation of preventive psychosocial forensic interventions in mainstream adult mental health services in Australian Psychiatry. Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists. Vol.14, No.2.
Nathan, P. (2005). Grendon’s Work Dangerous and Severe Process, Programme Person by Mark Morris. Book Review.Journal of Psychotherapy. Vol.24, No.1.
Nathan, P. (2005). On Incest A book review by G. Ambrosio. Journal of Psychotherapy. Vol.24, No.2.
Nathan P. & Ward, T. (2002). Female Sex Offenders: Demographic and Clinical features. Journal of Sexual Aggression.
Nathan, P. (2002). Sexual Homicide (submitted for publication).
Nathan P. & Ward T. (2001). Females Who Sexually Abuse Children: Assessment and Treatment Issues. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law. Vol 8, 1, pp 44-55.
Drake, C., Ward T., & Nathan, P. (2000). Challenging cognitive distortions using implicit theory: a contemporary approach.Journal of Sexual Aggression. Vol 7, 2, pp 25-41.
Ward, T., Nathan, P., Lee J. & Drake, C. (2000). The Role of Formulation-Based Treatment for Sex Offenders. Behaviour Change. Vol. 17, pp 252-264.
Nathan, P. (2000). Female Sex Offenders, Assessment and Treatment Issues, VOTA Newsletter. No. 14, February.