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Freud Conference 2023
Creating A Safe Supportive environment (CASSE) is pleased to contribute to the Freud Conference- Indigenous Voice/s and Psychoanalytic Listening.
Key speakers include:
Chris Croker, Chair & Director of CASSE
Ken Lechleitner Pangarte, ex- Director and researcher of CASSE
Prof Melinda Hinkson
Dr Craig San Roque, CASSE colleague
Pamela Nathan, Director of CASSE.
Come along and join in on the important conversations- it is a timely conference in the year of the Voice for the First Nations people.
Watch the recorded sessions here

Two Way Seminar Series: Black Knot – White Knot
All profits will be donated to our Shields for Living Tools for Life cultural healing program.
Craig San Roque and Jade Kennedy
Craig will present intercultural and transferential relationship patterns based on 30 years of experience in Black/White cross-cultural interactions in Central Australia. This has given him a unique understanding of the people he has lived and worked with. He illustrates these significant relationships through art works.
Craig is joined by Jade Kennedy. Jade is a Yuin man from the Illawarra and South Coast of NSW and a lecturer in Indigenous Knowledges at the University of Wollongong. His generous sharing of his life story is a privilege rarely encountered.
Date: 2 April 2022
Time: 9:00am – 12:00pm
Location: Online via zoom
CASSE is partnering with Documentary Australia Foundation to open the conversation, change the conversation and take meaningful action. We want to create different relationships across the racial and cultural divide, honouring and empowering Aboriginal people’s determinations and their communities. This action involves all Australians.

2021 CRIC Annual Conference Beyond COVID – Solidarity or Fragmentation.
Pamela Nathan presented her psychoanalytic paper “The Youth Inferno – Two Way Working in Ancestral Lands” about CASSE’s work in Central Australia, Northern Territory. It spoke to CASSE’s work with the youth in the justice system, referring to our dual cultural and therapeutic program Shields For Living, Tools For Life.
CASSE work is at the epicentre of anger, concern and politics in Central Australia, and this epicentre is named ‘the youth crisis’. It is a journey of feeling the heat, on a rollercoaster ride, in a landscape of monstrous trauma where CASSE attempts to work two-way.

2020 Black Knot White Knot Two Way Therapy Seminar with Sydney Institute
We were honoured to have CASSE’s ‘Shields for Living, Tools for Life’ program nominated as the recipient of proceeds from the Sydney Institute of Psychoanalysis webinar series, ‘Two Way: Learning from each other’.
Held during October and November, the series of six webinars brought together First Nations thinkers with psychoanalysts and psychotherapists in the spirit of Two Way.
Ken Lechleitner Pangarte, CASSE board member, and Pamela Nathan, CASSE Director, joined Dr Craig San Roque to present the fifth webinar, in the series: ‘Two Way’ and presented a joint seminar titled ‘Two Way Therapy’, which was Kenny’s idea.

15 February 2020, Darwin
CASSE Workshops on Trauma and Transformative Tools with Northern Land Council.
8 March 2018
Kurruna Mwarre Ingkintja–Good Spirit Men’s Place
Research Project Report Launch
Talking Powerfully from the Heart
presented in partnership with CASSE and Central Australian Aboriginal Congress (CAAC) looking at ways to develop a best practice Aboriginal good spirit male’s place.
12.30pm–1.30pm on FRIDAY 9 MARCH 2018
DOWNLOAD: Kurruna Mwarre Ingkintja–Good Spirit Men’s Place Research Project Report
DOWNLOAD: Kurruna Mwarre Ingkintja Transcript – Interviews ‘Talking Powerfully from the Heart’

24 November 2017
21 November 2017
15 – 17 September 2017
RANZCP Faculty of Psychotherapy Conference 201 7
“Heart of the Matter Deep Listening, Dreaming and Joining the Dance”
Keynote Speakers: Pamela Nathan & Ken Lechleitner
CASSE is proud to announce that Pamela Nathan, Director of CASSE’s Aboriginal Australian Relations Program, and Ken Lechleitner, Research Officer – CAAC/CASSE Men’s Shed Research Project, will be keynote speakers at the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists’ (RANZCP) Faculty of Psychotherapy Conference 2017. With the theme of ‘The Heart of the Matter: Deep listening, Dreaming and Joining the Dance’, the conference will be held from Friday 15 September to Sunday 17 September 2017 at Ayers Rock Resort, Uluru, NT.
Click here for full Program
Click here for Registration details
25 – 28 May 2017
IARPP Conference 2017 – Sydney
Plenary 1: The Sociocultural Context: Indigenous Culture & Psychoanalysis
Speakers: Pamela Nathan MPsych; Donna Ingram, AUS; Marie Bashir MBBS AD CVO, AUS; Graham Toomey Dip AS, AUS; Craig San Roque PhD, AUS; Brendan Kerin, AUS
Moderator: Cathy Hicks PhD, AUS
25 March 2017
A CASSE Symposium on Breakthrough Recognition
Featuring Senator Patrick Dodson
View full program and speaker list
** Conference Papers and Presentations available online **
“The forum provided… important insights that I have found useful and challenging.”
August 2016
“The audience were keen to discuss the essay, film and work of CASSE with Pamela and Anne. One member responded by stating that they felt the work was ‘the most important work in the world’. Out of context, this may sounds hyperbolic. Within the context of the essay, the film and the CASSE work, it felt like recognition.” – Anne Jeffs, VAPP
In August 2016, Pamela Nathan, Director of CASSE’s Aboriginal Australian Relations Program, and Anne Kantor, CASSE’s Deputy Chairperson, were invited to present CASSE’S work at the Victorian Association of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist’s (VAPP) professional development evening. The presentation centred on Pamela’s writing and work on recognition in the context of CASSE’s Aboriginal Australian Relations Program.
Read presentation review by Anne Jeffs, VAPP
5-6 May 2016
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention Conference, Alice Springs
The inaugural Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention Conference gathered together experts and members of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and the wider community from across the country to Alice Springs, the heart of the Aboriginal nations. Over two days those gathered exchanged learnings, share lived experiences, built knowledge and inspired one another as to how we can best strengthen communities to tackle this entrenched tragedy.
CASSE was honoured to be involved in this important conference, presenting the Men’s Tjilirra Movement in collaboration with the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS). For more information about the conference click here.
February 2016
“Thanks for a really interesting presentation this evening at the House of Lords of the fascinating work you have been doing with CASSE” – Lord Alderdice.
Twitter: John, Lord Alderdice @AlderdiceLord : Excellent presentation by @P_Nathan_CASSE to the All Party Parliamentary Group on Conflict Issues @UKHouseofLords
“Interesting and inspirational” – Oxford University participant on Pamela’s presentation.
Pamela Nathan presented CASSE’s work in conversation with Lord Alderdice at the House of Lords and Oxford in the UK on the 2nd and 3rd of February 2016. The discussions were very well received and built upon previous discussions and co-operative work undertaken by Lord Alderdice with Pamela Nathan when CASSE hosted his visit to Australia in 2011. During the 2011 visit, Lord Alderdice co-presented at CASSE’S Public Forum: ‘Reconciliation Australia – Psychological Perspectives”, and at a town forum in Alice Springs. Further details and videos of this event are available further down this page and on the CASSEtv page. For more information view media release.
8 December 2015
Noel Pearson and Jonathan Lear in Conversation
Co-presented with the Constitution Education Fund Australia and Psyche + Society
Noel Pearson is one of Australia’s foremost indigenous leaders and political activists. He titled his first Quarterly Essay, Radical Hope, explicitly referring to the work of the renowned philosopher and psychoanalyst Jonathan Lear of the same title.
Pearson and Lear are both concerned about the survival of indigenous peoples and the possibility to flourish under an indigenous identity within a changing world. In this event, Pearson and Lear discussed the complex question of the recognition of indigenous peoples in light of the proposed referendum on recognising indigenous peoples in the Constitution.
What is recognition? What kind of acknowledgement is involved? How does recognition affect the identities of both sides?
Noel Pearson, Jonathan Lear and a panel of experts and researchers discussed these and other questions from constitutional, philosophical and psychoanalytic perspectives.
- Noel Pearson is an Advisor for the Cape York Partnership dedicated to empowering Cape York Indigenous people. He is also the Chairman of Good to Great Schools Australia, which has delivered significant improvements in literacy and numeracy in the primary schools of the Cape York Academy.
- Professor Jonathan Lear is a professor of philosophy and a psychoanalyst. He is the Director of the Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society at the University of Chicago, and is on the faculties of the Chicago Psychoanalytic Institute and the Western New England Institute for Psychoanalysis.
Panellists responding to Noel Pearson and Jonathan Lear:
- Marcia Langton AM is an anthropologist and geographer, and holds the Foundation Chair of Australian Indigenous Studies at the University of Melbourne. She has published widely in political and legal anthropology and Indigenous culture and art.
- Pamela Nathan is a forensic and clinical psychologist and psychoanalytic psychotherapist and is currently Director of the Aboriginal Australian Relations Program, CASSE (Creating A Safe and Supportive Environment) working on violence and trauma with Aboriginal organisations and people in central Australia.
- Professor Duncan Ivison is Professor of Political Philosophy at the University of Sydney and currently also Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research). He works in three main areas: political philosophy, the history of philosophy (especially early modern) and ethics.
The event was sponsored by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences of the University of Sydney,Baker & McKenzie, Creating A Safe Supportive Environment (CASSE), the Sydney Institute for Psychoanalysis, and the Australian Psychoanalytical Society.
Two Way: Learning from each other
A webinar series
The Sydney Institute for Psychoanalysis invites you to join us as we bring together First Nations’ thinkers with psychoanalysts and psychotherapists in a series of six webinars in the spirit of Two Way – working together and learning from each other.
All proceeds profits to CASSE’s Shields for Living, Tools for Life, a dual cultural and therapeutic program, based in the Alice Springs region for ‘at-risk’ youth, providing an alternative to detention and reducing the likelihood of offending or reoffending.
Aboriginal Australian Relations Program – Kurunna Mwarre Events, Alice springs
September 2013
In September 2013, the Central Australian Aboriginal Congress (CAAC) and CASSE presented the ‘Walk In my Shoes’ public forums in Alice Springs. Click here to view video of forum.
Aboriginal Australian Relations Program – Reconciliation Australia: Psychological Perspectives
September 2013
Hosted by CASSE in partnership with Murrup Barak, Melbourne Institute for Indigenous Development, Melbourne University
This event was held on Saturday 7 September 2013
Guest Speakers: Lord John Alderdice, Professor Marcia Langton AM, Professor Stuart Twemlow, Professor Ian Anderson
Videos of each presentation are now available on Youtube:
- Reconciliation Australia Psychological Perspectives, Part 1 – The Family Reunion
- Reconciliation Australia: Psychological Perspectives. Part 2 (of 6) Lord Alderdice
- Reconciliation Australia: Psychological Perspectives. Part 3 (of 6) Professor Marcia Langton
- Reconciliation Australia: Psychological Perspectives. Part 4 (of 6) Professor Ian Anderson
- Reconciliation Australia: Psychological Perspectives. Part 5 (of 6) Professor Stuart Twemlow
- Reconciliation Australia: Psychological Perspectives. Part 6 (of 6) Panel Discussion
CASSE Public Lecture Series – The Irish Peace Process: Lessons Learned
5 September 2013
Speaker: John, Lord Alderdice
This FREE public lecture offered insights into how communities can overcome violent conflict and work towards peace and stability. John Alderdice, by profession a psychoanalytic psychiatrist, was for eleven years Leader of the cross-community Alliance Party, one of the negotiators of the 1998 Good Friday Agreement and Speaker of the new Northern Ireland Assembly. He is the recipient of many honorary degrees and awards for his work on conflict resolution in various parts of the world and is Chair of the Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Party in the House of Lords.