Shields for Living Tools for Life Cultural Camps
are a genuine alternative to youth in NT detention

99% of youth in NT detention are male & Aboriginal & aged 10-17 years old
Donating to CASSE Australia helps puts more youth on country instead of in custody. We know that when Youth are on country it makes their “spirit strong” improving psychological well-being through connection to culture and community and reduces offending.
Click here to read more about CASSE’s Shields for Living Tools for Life Cultural Camps
Other ways to donate
Cheques to be made payable to CASSE Australia Inc
EFT Details: Account Name: CASSE Australia Inc, BSB: 033-057, Westpac Account Number: 440497
CASSE Australia Inc (ABN: 17811 536 315) is registered in Australia as a Deductible Gift Recipient. All donations over $2 made to CASSE Australia are tax deductible.