Two Way Working – Professional Development workshops
Two Way Working is a workshop that presents psychoanalytic ideas and tools as a starting point for conversation.
These workshops are facilitated and presented by Dr Craig San Roque (hyperlink to bio), Pamela Nathan (hyperlink to bio), and Robert Hoosan (hyperlink to bio).
Upcoming workshop – Details TBC
Working in the Heat was a professional development event for people living, breathing and working in the field of social emotional wellbeing in Central Australia.
The workshop in Alice Springs generated such rich, poignant, emotional thinking amongst workers at the frontline working in the intercultural space and racial divide. The CASSE team feel privileged to have been part of the conversation which moved through different emotional experiences of trauma. The room was packed! The vitality of spirit was palpable by the end of the day!

Conversation starters

About the Presenters
Dr. Craig San Roque, psychoanalyst/community psychologist, has worked in or with almost every indigenous organisation in Central Australia since 1992 – including remote mental health, the NPY Women’ Council Uti Kulinjakugroup, CAYLUS, Outstation youth projects, indigenous economic development and law – and in close partnership with (the late) Japaljarri Spencer on the practice and philosophy of bi-cultural work. Spencer’s visual, clear thinking is the basis for this presentation. Craig has many publications on Centralian themes, including the award winning Joshua Santospirito graphic novel, A Long Weekend in Alice Springs.
Pamela Nathan is a clinical and forensic psychologist and psychoanalytic psychotherapist in independent private practice in Kew, Melbourne. She is a member of the Australian Psychological Society and the Victorian Association of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. She was previously a sociologist working as an academic and researcher for over a decade. She has completed research in Aboriginal health in Victoria and the Northern Territory and published three books- A Home Away From Home, Health Business and Settle Down Country with the Victorian Aboriginal Health Service and The Central Australian Aboriginal Congress. She has worked in the public sector in clinical and forensic settings, in senior positions, including Forensicare and the Royal Melbourne Hospital for fifteen years. She is currently Director of the Aboriginal Australian Relations Program, Creating A Safe and Supportive Environment (CASSE) and is working with violence and trauma in Central Australia. She continues to practice, teach, workshop, supervise and publish, in journals, booklets and papers, in the psychological and psychoanalytic arena.
Workshop Testimonials
“You created a nourishing space through your care for materials, methods and stories – for art to speak, from the ground up, through artists and storytellers about our shared responsibilities as we create and disperse ‘dust storms’.
Thank-you for providing no simple answers, no simple remedies, rather, creating the space to think with others – human and non-human – to get a gist of what is required. The artwork by Japaljarri Spencer in Keating’s office was particularly useful here.
Thanks to Pamela, Robert and the CASSE team for reminding us about the shape shifting properties of power and coercion that so often take control when we desperately seek solutions”. Wendy Cowan
“I LOVED the day, I felt the presentation style was perfect, so refreshing to have a different style. Craig’s presentation being fluid and grounded and Pamela, I really enjoyed the theoretical and evidence based information you shared. Nik and Robert also imparted good knowledge of what is working in their program, all good information and more grounded in culturally competent methods that are working well. It was a perfect blend, I am not sure anything could be improved on.” Helen Lambert, Manager Health Promotion.