September 16, 2015

Clues on the Inside

This 'Letter to the Editor' by Pamela Nathan was published in 'The Age' on Friday 11 September 2015. It related to the article, 'Killer had been ranked as having high chance of reoffending by parole officer', by Adam Cooper, published in 'The Age', 8 September 2015. Pamela's letter relates to the high likelihood of perpetrators of violent crimes reoffending.
August 31, 2015

‘Changing Minds, Saving Lives’ – Psychoanalytic Insights: FEAR

Fear locks you in callipers. It likes to pinion you, and clutches at your throat and chest in a vice-like grip. You can lose your grip. It is icy, and can land you on a precarious goat ledge on the side of a mountain freezing you to the spot. Fear likes to snowball and envelop in galvanising speed. If you can unlock the frozen fear you can try anything! With no fear you can climb mountains and ski down them, too! Read Pamela Nathan's psychoanaytic insights into FEAR.
August 24, 2015

Listening heals rifts

By Pamela Nathan As the Prime Minister immerses himself in his week long visit to the remote community of Murray Island in the Torres Strait, it […]
August 17, 2015

The legacy of the Pintubi Nine

By Pamela Nathan Re: ‘Pintubi man Gene Gibson dealt rough justice’, by Victoria Laurie, Paige Taylor, published in ‘The Weekend Australian‘, 15 August 2105. The Weekend Australian’s […]
August 12, 2015

Recognition sleight of hand

In his opinion piece pertaining to indigenous constitutional conventions, published in 'The Australian', Wesley Aird states: "It is difficult to see how an indigenous-only process could work, given there is no way of knowing who would be eligible to participate. In any case, a referendum ought to be for all Australians." Pamela Nathan comments that Aird's arguments against indigenous constitutional conventions are a sleight of hand. If the process in the lead up to the referendum can be about recognition, consultation, discussion and the chance to have a voice and to be heard, maybe then it can also offer hope for reconciliation.
August 6, 2015


By Pamela Nathan The psychology of racism….. “You’re a mad, black bastard!” Well I have news for you! You think deep down you’re the mad, black […]
July 1, 2015

‘Changing minds, saving lives’ – psychoanalytic insights: SHAME

Shame’s power can be deadly. It can cripple us and make us shrink from life’s possibilities. So what can we do about shame? Pamela Nathan's new psychoanalytic series, 'changing minds, saving lives', takes simple gems from the psychoanalytic dreamtime that may become tools for living....
May 25, 2015

Meet our people, hear our story

I’m writing to ask for your help in supporting a vital, innovative program that empowers Indigenous men to fulfil their potential, and foster the next generation’s […]
May 13, 2015

Consult or civilise?

By Pamela Nathan Re: “Remote Communities offered hope by Barnett’s road map says Pearson” NACCHO Communique, May 9th, 2015; “Call to end protests over WA Aboriginal community […]