October 31, 2014

Nomad’s Land

By Pamela Nathan Re: ‘Whatever happened to the Pintupi Nine?’, by Richard Guilliat, published in The Australian, October 25th, 2014 Richard reminds us that Yalti and […]
October 29, 2014

A Town Called Alice

By Pamela Nathan Re: ‘A Town Called Alice‘ by Mia Abraham, published  in Farrago, University of Melbourne, edition seven. How delighted was I to read Mia’s […]
October 22, 2014

Hipbone Sticking Out – MURRU

By Pamela Nathan Anne Kantor and I went to see Hipbone Sticking Out – MURRU at the Playhouse last night. It was confronting. It was powerful. […]
October 20, 2014

Results do matter

By Pamela Nathan Re: ‘Only results should matter’, Opinion editorial by Nyunggai Warren Mundine, published in The Australian, Monday 20th October 2014. This article highlights the […]
October 1, 2014

The power of ‘we’

Re: “The Power of ‘we'”, by Kieran Finnane, published in the Alice Springs News online, 28 September 2014 This article raises the important issue when asking […]
September 21, 2014

What can schools do about bullying?

Jewel Topsfield, Education Editor for The Age wrote a fantastic story and editorial on bullying this week.  The CASSE Peaceful Schools Program and one of its’ […]
September 15, 2014

Drawn from the ground

“Indigenous women’s sand stories from Central Australia are a traditional form of narrative in which storytellers incorporate speech, song, sign, gesture and drawing.” Jennifer Green has […]
September 10, 2014

World Suicide Prevention Day

Today is World Suicide Prevention Day. The following facts were taken from the World Suicide Prevention Day website. Suicide is the leading cause of death for […]