August 19, 2016

In memory of the Wave Hill Walk Off

This week marks the 50th Anniversary of the Wave Hill Walk Off. Many Australians may not know what the 'Wave Hill Walk Off' was, but many will know the name of Vincent Lingiari, who led the walk off, will have seen the photo of Gough Whitlam pouring sand through Lingiari's hand, and will have sung along to the Paul Kelly song 'From Little Things, Big Things Grow'.
July 1, 2016


Welcome to NAIDOC WEEK! As we celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history, culture and achievements, and recognise the contributions that Indigenous Australians make to our country and our society, I hope that many more Australians will become aware of the remarkable Aboriginal Songlines.
June 27, 2016

Save our Women!

By Pamela Nathan “Would Indigenous women and children feel safer if constitutional recognition, or even a treaty, eventuated in Australia?” asks Hannah McGlade in ‘The Australian’. And, […]
June 1, 2016

Group overcomes violence

By Pamela Nathan Re: ‘The violent men who do change’, by Cosima Marriner, published in ‘The Age, 27 May, 2016.  Strong Evidence supporting the efficacy of […]
May 26, 2016

Sadness and hope for Sorry Day

A very special friend of CASSE, Aaron, sent us a sad, sad response to our last newsletter, but it was also tinged with hope – hope provided by a family that is providing unconditional love, care and support for others in their community. He shared a very personal story of suicide. He has given us permission to share his story with the CASSE community to mark Sorry Day…