MTM Exhibition Camps
June 25, 2018
August 6, 2018CASSE Australia is very proud to support and endorse the Uluru Statement from the Heart and the truly remarkable work carried out by the Referendum Council, under the inspiring leadership of Pat Anderson, in creating this historic document.
While talks were being held with First Nations people all over Australia in the lead up to the National Constitutional Convention held at Uluru in May 2017, CASSE also hosted a symposium to discuss constitutional reform. The Symposium was titled ‘The Day After Tomorrow: a CASSE symposium on breakthrough recognition’ and featured Senator Patrick Dodson as a keynote speaker as well as important thinkers from central Australia.
Taking the day after recognition as a possible starting or end point, this symposium journeyed through the unrecognised trails of trauma to shine a light on dreaming breakthroughs to achieve recognition, change minds and save lives.
A booklet of the papers prepared for the symposium was submitted to the Referendum Council and was also published as a dedicated special edition of the International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies.
This year, the full booklet was also submitted to the Joint Select Committee on Constitutional Recognition Relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples inquiry into constitutional change.
The Committee has now formally accepted CASSE’s submission and authorised its publication on the inquiry web page, at: https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Joint/Constitutional_Recognition_2018/ConstRecognition/Submissions
If you have not already read the papers included in these booklets, please take this opportunity to do so. They offer powerful insights into the importance of, and right to, both constitutional and psychological recognition for First Nations people.
CASSE Breakthrough Recognition Symposium Booklet Part 1 of 3
CASSE Breakthrough Recognition Symposium Booklet Part 2 of 3
CASSE Breakthrough Recognition Symposium Booklet Part 3 of 3